Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Volcano Sierra Nega

Today's activity was an all-day hike up and around 2 mountains: Sierra Negra and Chico. I don't think I have ever used so many leg muscles in my life. It roughly 10 miles round trip. And the trip back down was through lots of mud, so I was still jarring the same muscles to keep from slipping and sliding. I almost fell asleep at the dinner table tonight.

But the trek was worth it, and I would do it again, even knowing how hard it was. The scenery all along the way was beautiful, and our guide was able to point out many interesting plants, animals and facts on the volcano. The climax of the trip was to the top of Volcan Chico (Little Volcano), which enabled us to see for miles around. Not only that, but the land around and in Volcan Chico was absolutely stunning. It was a mass of colors and rock formations, and it is utterly indescribable. Also, I couldn't take any pictures b/c it was sooooooooooo windy, I had to hold onto someone else so as to not blow away. To the left, I am sitting on the edge of one of the crater pockets.

1 comment:

  1. Its sounds like a wonderful experience standing on top of the volcano and enjoying the beautiful scenery, priceless...

